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User Non-profit
Donating Fundraising

Has a charity received money from my fundraising event?

When will a charity receive the money raised from my fundraising

All donations made through GiveWheel are delivered to the registered charities according to the split specified by the donor/fundraiser. By default, charities receive pay-outs monthly via our non-profit disbursement partner, Charities Trust (charity no. 327489). Charities Trust provide due diligence and secure disbursement services to over 20,000 UK charities. As well as the disbursement of donations, Charities Trust provide an automated Gift Aid reclamation service and reclaimed Gift Aid is transferred to recipient charities in a separate monthly payment once received from HMRC.

Charities on GiveWheel may also choose to connect a free Stripe account to receive monthly pay-outs. For charities receiving donations via Stripe, Gift Aid may be reclaimed directly from HMRC by the charity themselves with exportable reports available through the GiveWheel charity dashboard. For charities that receive donations either via Charities Trust or Stripe, donations are disbursed monthly, even whilst fundraising events are ongoing. For this reason, it may not be possible to change the allocation on a fundraising page once donations have been received.

In instances whereby charities are requested for fundraising that are not already registered with Charities Trust, disbursement may take place after the event has closed and GiveWheel will contact the charities directly.